those who Serve - integration

Increasing enrollment for Verizon's exclusive discount offering for nurses, teachers, military, and first responders.

Team: Digital Marketing / Site Optimization

Team: Digital Marketing / Site Optimization

Team: Digital Marketing / Site Optimization


Tools: Figma, BlueJeans, JIRA

Tools: Figma, BlueJeans, JIRA

Tools: Figma, BlueJeans, JIRA


Verizon is the largest U.S wireless provider and discount offerings have played a key role in enabling its market growth. Business stakeholders aimed to boost customer acquisition and revenue growth by increasing the overall take rate of our discount offering targeted towards eligible nurses, teachers, military personnel, and first responders.

The current experience required customers who were eligible for the discount to directly visit the marketing landing pages for the discount.

88% of eligible prospective customers who visit were unaware of the discount.

The existing flow required lots of improvement; drop off, customer abandonment, and lost revenue were all concerning.


By integrating directly into the lower funnel checkout experience, specifically the cart page, the team hypothesized that we would be able to reduce site abandonment and increase offer take rates.


This project was a testing initiative with the site optimization and digital marketing team at Verizon. As lead designer for Cart experiences, I am manage and deliver all designs that impact the cart.

If a test performs successfully - a case will be made to scale the design to a larger audience with leadership.

Designing the Promo Module

Based upon guidelines and competitor experiences, I opted for the placement of the module within the order summary section of the cart.

With so many promotional offerings and upsell modules already existing, it was important to keep discount offerings separate. Moreover, the promo tiles were currently reserved for device discounts. The TWSS discount was a account level discount.

By leveraging the accordion component, users had the option of learning more about the discount and proceed to verify with

I collaborated closely with our content strategist to ensure to details of the promotional offer was clear, concise, and understandable by our users.


6.9 % Increase in Order Conversion Rate

Annualized Returns: + 5.7k Gross Adds and $4.3M Net Revenue